Critical Signs That Exterminators Look for During Termite Inspection

 It is no wonder homeowners call exterminators only when they spot a termite inside their home, not outside. Termites eat wood from the inside out, which makes it difficult to spot as they eat away your home one bite at a time. Therefore, if you notice termites inside your home, then chances are high that the damage is underway or done. Consequently, it is recommended that homeowners call pest control services at the minutest sign of termite activity. This article highlights key signs that exterminators look for during a termite inspection and teaches you what to look for as well.

Mud tubes

The first and most obvious sign that an exterminator will look for during termite inspection is mud tubes. These are highways made from soil and wood cellulose that termites use to avoid detection, especially in exposed spaces. Mud tubes also act as a protective cover from sunlight because termites dehydrate quickly. However, exterminators are likely to find mud tubes in hidden spaces such as an attic and crawl spaces. A severe termite infestation is characterised by a series of both dry and wet mud tubes. However, if an exterminator spots only a few mud tubes, then the chances are high that the nest or colony is new.

Winged termites

Winged termites are another critical sign that there is a termite infestation underway. These are characteristically mature adult termites that leave existing nests in swarms to form new termite colonies in other areas. However, they can only build a new colony if there have access to wood, their primary source of food. Therefore, pest control services will look for the presence of winged termites inside and outside your house during an inspection. If they find any, then that is a sign that there is a termite nest nearby, and the termites are in the process of building a colony. Early detection of winged termites helps to destroy a young colony.

Wood dust or damage

 As termites eat away wood, the action of their mandibles leaves behind wood dust as well as rough wood edges. It is another sign that pest control services look for during an inspection. However, unlike the previous two, finding wood dust and wood damage can be challenging for exterminators. The reason is that wood dust is light and can be easily blown away by the wind, thereby making it difficult to inspect an area further. Similarly, an exterminator must closely examine damaged wood edges before they can attribute it to termite action.

Do you have termites? For more information, companies like Apex Pest Pty Ltd can help.

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Keeping The Mice And Rats Away One of the signs that winter is on its way is when you find evidence of rats or mice moving into your home. These rodents hate the cold, so they love to find a cosy spot to set up house once the temperature drops. Pest control is the best way to stay on top of rodent issues, but what type of pest control works best for these critters? These blog posts are all about pest control so that you can educate yourself on subjects like baiting versus trapping, and also how to avoid your pets getting sick from pest control measures. The more you learn about pest control, the better informed you are about making the right choice for saying goodbye to rodents in your home.

